Clean Office

Clean Office

A Clean Office starts with motivated janitorial employees!  We found that very uncommon in San Antonio.  So we decided to change the San Antonio clean office outlook one account at a time!  We invest in our employees so they perform in you facility.


Special Cleaning Services in San Antonio

Disinfecting Surfaces

The most effective infection prevention programs incorporate a well-thought-out plan, the right products for the facility’s goals, continuous monitoring and most importantly, a consistent and effective process. Over the years, I’ve worked with all different types of facilities to create infection prevention programs from scratch or improve existing infection prevention programs with better chemistry and education.

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Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning Supplies What cleaning supplies does your current cleaning crew utilize? Is it dollar brand items from the corner store? Do you see your cleaning crew bringing in their own cleaning products? Unfortunately, a combination of these two situations is all too often common in the cleaning industry! What a shame, too because there are

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